Marine Personnel

Experienced. Certified. Safety Focused.

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Delmer Shipping has an extensive pool of highly qualified Canadian crew available to work on marine & offshore projects in Canada and internationally. Our crew are active on projects worldwide and have supported all of Canada’s largest offshore projects since 2016.

Our qualified recruiters adhere to an extensive evaluation program and have years of experience – meaning you can trust them to deliver excellent results. Be assured our focus, like yours, is on safety and quality (ISO 9001:2015).

We maximize local benefits by utilizing best hiring practices that support diversity and employment equity. Having worked with the world’s top offshore and marine contractors, we have over 5 years of experience providing comprehensive crewing services. Whether your project calls for marine, construction, exploration, production or catering personnel, you can rely on us to deliver qualified, safety focused, fit, hard working crew.

As part of our commitment to enhancing the future of Eastern Canada’s marine industry, our Marine Personnel division, in partnership with local universities and post-secondary institutions, successfully facilitates work term placements for Cadets of Nautical Science, Bridgewatch, Marine Engineering and Marine Diesel Mechanic programs.

We ensure that all prospective workers have passed extensive evaluations and assessments. We also make your job easier by coordinating the training and administrative set-up for each worker.

Our services include:

  • Recruitment & Selection
  • Training Management & Compliance Reporting
  • Human Resources Management
  • Payroll & Benefits Administration
  • KPI Measuring, Monitoring & Reporting
  • CNSOPB/CNLOPB Benefits Reporting

Our Experience