Cargo Handling & Warehousing

Providing cargo handling and warehousing solutions.

Delmer Logistics has a fully equipped cargo handling facility in Halifax, Nova Scotia offering a comprehensive range of logistics services. Whether handling and securing oversized cargo, shipment consolidation for transport, warehousing, crating, packaging or any other cargo handling service, trust Delmer Logistics to handle your project efficiently and effectively.

Delmer Logistics has extensive experience with marine and resource industries, in particular mining and offshore oil & gas. We understand the critical role that a good logistics provider plays in ensuring the timely, cost effective flow of supplies, equipment and finished goods.

Delmer Logistics can also perform a critical role in your supply chain, offering consolidation, deconsolidation and order fulfillment for a wide variety of goods and cargoes.

Our continuous success is based on a commitment to safety and quality measured on international standards including ISO 9001:2015.

What We Offer

The safe and efficient handling of your goods is our top priority. Our services include:

  • Warehousing and cargo handling equipment scalable to your needs
  • Shipment control, quality assurance, packaging, crating and freight forwarding
  • Experienced with specialty, dangerous, oversized and fragile equipment and goods – Freight Forwarding
  • Dependable logistics support – as simple or as complex as required
  • Experienced staff to handle inspection, documentation, storage, logistics and fulfillment

Our Facility

Our state-of-the-art warehouse facility in Halifax is well located and secure. Fully staffed and equipped including:

  • Materials handling machinery with capacity up to 35,000 kg
  • Customs bonded and secure including 24/7 CCTV monitoring
  • Halifax facility – 25,000 sq. ft. warehouse with over 200,000 sq. ft. of hard surfaced logistics and laydown yard

Fully trained and experienced staff

IATA accredited agent

Full fleet of materials handling equipment capable of lifts up to 35,000 kg

CBSA approved highway sufferance warehouse

IMO, TDG, & IATA Dangerous Goods Handling

Our Experience

Founders Square
1701 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 3M8
Nova Scotia

(902) 800 8675
